EXPECT | Shutdown MITEL by Serial.

Hi everybody,

I'm from Spain so excuse my english.

I'm Trying to Shutdown the Mitel 3300 CXI by serial port.

I'm trying to do this with the EXPECT software.

The problem is:

The connection is done.
The "shutdown" is done BUT the Mitel auto-boot if the script does not type "<space><space><space>" to keep the Mitel powered off.

I wrote the next script, of course I tried a lot of variants but I can't send the characters " " (space x3).

spawn screen dev/ttyUSB0
send "appShutdown"
expect "countdown starts..."
send " " (3 spaces but the forum only display 1)

If I can share something more, tell me. Thanks.

Is too important for me...

Thanks for read.
