Expect script to execute a script on a remote host

I am new to the expect scripting.
I have this expect script as below :

spawn ssh remote_server -l id
set pass "12345"
set opt "s"
        expect "Password:" {send "$pass\r" ; }
        expect "*ENTER*" {send "Enter\r"; exp_continue }
        expect "Please select option :" {send "$opt\r";}

Next, I need to execute a shell script present on the remote_server & this script uses environment variables within. So, I need to ensure that the remote script picks up correct environment variables. What's the best way to achieve it ?

ssh -n -l username serveradd ". ~/.profile >/dev/null 2>/dev/null;print y | \${HOME}/bin/script.sh >/dev/null 2>/dev/null"  &

This is an example asuming that you source env variables from .profile file when you logon.

But I am looking for expect script way to execute the remote script.