expect script problem

Have strange problem.
When I run an expect script towards a switch, it will not work.

[etxnreg@]$ ./test2
spawn ssh admin@sesafdd101
Last login: Thu Dec 25 13:20:54 2008 from

ECN430/330/212 Linux, based on Wind River Linux glibc_small (standard) 2.0

Will send carriage returns as telnet <CR><LF>.
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
^[[?1;2c[etxnreg@ms]$ 1;2c

If I run regular ssh or telnet, it works.
Have tried both ssh and telnet in the script.
Thought for a while that there was something TERM mode.
Have someone any idea?
same script towards other brands works fine

#!/usr/bin/expect --
# set env(TERM) "vt100"
set host sesafdd101

set prompt "${host}"
set timeout 10
# login
# -----
spawn ssh aaaaa@${host}
expect "Password: "
send "xxxxxx\r"
expect sesafdd101#
expect eof
## end

Please post the output of a interactive logon on that machine (just to check if the expected strings are correct).