expanding RAM

our sparc server has only 1Gb RAM. Since RAM is not very expensive anymore, it seems like a good idea to upgrade it.

will it make server (and database on it) faster?
I hope it would less 'abuse' hard drive..

Observe output of vmstat 2 5 during few times of the day when the server/database is most busy. If you constantly see high numbers in pi, po or fr columns, then adding memory could probably increase performance.

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ok, will do.
another question about RAM, does it have to be ECC? registered? what about latency?
its a bit hard to find ECC DDR1 here.

server is v125.

You may use swap file instead of paying more money for RAM , just make a file and assign it as a swap space.

thanks, but we'd like to reduce hard disk usage. there is only one scsi drive.

is there a way to tell if already installed RAM is ECC or Registered without opening the server?
what type is the default, factory RAM used in sparc server?

use pcitool or /usr/X11/bin/scanpci to get all hardware pci info's


you know I think that 1G RAM and 1 hard disk is too low.