Exiting signal 6

Hello all,

I have a problem when installing Solaris 10 on Enterprise 450.
I booted from dvd, then the installation was started. The error appeared after determining the installation method, F2-Standard, F?-Flash......
The error was Exiting signal 6.

Please, need help. Thank you

signal 6 is SIGABRT, meaning the installer raised an abort because required conditions were not met.

Can you post the actual warning and error messages you got? Or at least the last few lines of nasty-grams? What you gave us is pretty close to useless for us to help you.

The message appear after the question "Reboot after installation", then I choosed "Auto Reboot", press F2. After I press F2, the installation exit to the prompt and the message appear :
Exiting (caught signal 6)
Type install-solaris to restart.
Abort - core dumped
Solaris installation program exited.

Hmm, what kind of console (terminal, terminal-emulator) did you use? I guess, your terminal did send some nasty escape sequence when you pressed F2.

Does it work, when you use ESC-n instead of Fn? Meaning, when you should press F2, you press ESC followed by 2, ESC-3 instead of F3, etc. After the first time you use ESC-n, the prompts are changed to this too, afaik.

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Yes it does. I can use esc-2 instead of Fn.