Exit Codes

Good Morning All..

I was wondering about getting exit codes of a command in a shell script. I'm trying to run uvscan (McAfee command line scanner) and I want to have the log file say why, if at all, the process failed/exited.

Something to the extent of

If [ (result of uvscan) = x ]; then
echo "This is why it quit"

Here's what I have so far..

If [[ `pgrep $PROC` = 0 ]] ; then
	pkill uvscan 
	[[ 'pgrep $PROC' = 1 ]] ; then
	nohup $UVSCAN_PATH/uvscan -c -f $DIRECTORIES -d $DAT_PATH -m $QUARANTINE -r --secure

After this last command is where I want to make a sub (?) routine of ifs/thens depending on how the command exits.

I hope someone can help me out here? Or am I way in left field?

Thanks from a new user,


An example:

if pgrep something > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then
  #do something here
elif "something else" ; then
  #do something else here
  #do all other things here

Read the manpage of ksh or Google for "ksh scripting".
