Execution problem ---to remove the lines which starts with one type of character

Hi, I have one file, I need to check if file exist or not and then remove the lines which starts with ?
My file1.out data is some thing


Output should be in test.out


I am getting the output as below but the File does not exist in the directory..
I can see FN: is displayed in quotes "File1.out", Can some one please tell me what is wrong in this

I have written the following Code

set -A args $*
echo "Arguments "

outfile_string=`echo ${outfile_string} | tr -d '"'` 
echo 'OUTFILE_STRING : '$outfile_string

echo "FN :" $FN
nfile_name=`echo ${nfile_name} | tr -d '"'` 
echo 'Final File Name : '$nfile_name
#******** Check 
if test -s ${FN}
echo "File exist "
#ln_number=`grep -c '?' ${outfile_string}`
echo "File does not exist "

Output for the above code

FN : /usr/tmp/"File1.out"
Final File Name : test.out
File does not exist 


If i declare this way


out put is

FN : /usr/tmp/"File1.out"

If i declare this way I am getting File Exist,

FN : /usr/tmp/File1.out

but after this i need to search for the lines which start with ? and remove them and write to new file
Can some one please tell me how to do this.

grep -v "^?" file

I can't reproduce your problem with the quotes.

What command line was used to invoke the script?
What Operating System and version is this?

I am running from oracle applications

My version is
$ cat /proc/version
Linux version 2.6.32-100.26.2.el5 (mockbuild@ca-build10.us.oracle.com)
(gcc version 4.1.2 20080704 (Red Hat 4.1.2-48)) #1 SMP Tue Jan 18 20:11:49 EST 2011

Mabe try an echo "$*" at the top of the script so we can see what parameters were used to call the script. I'm wondering of your database is using a different character set from your Shell, or perhaps your tr command doesn't work?
Note that test -s checks that the file exists AND is not empty. You would need test -f to just check whether the file exists.

In the end it is probably going to be easier to fix the program which writes the data file.