executing with system time


i have written an shell script which reads an folder and write the filenames to another file:

here is the script:


find /var/www/vhosts/remixland.de/web_users/stream001/jingle15 -type f -name "*.mp3" > /etc/shoutcast001/example.lst

killall -USR1 sc_trans_linux001 >/dev/null && echo "playlist reloaded!"
killall -WINCH sc_trans_linux001

sleep 2

find /var/www/vhosts/remixland.de/web_users/stream001/08-14 -type f -name "*.mp3" > /etc/shoutcast001/example.lst

killall -USR1 sc_trans_linux001 >/dev/null && echo "playlist reloaded!"

now i want to execute the find command in dependency of servertime
for example:

  • when time 00-06 read folder 1 and write to file
  • when time 06-12 read folder 2 and write to file
  • when time 12-06 read folder 3 and write to file

how can i do this ?

thx in advance

set in cronjob.