Executing Multiple .SQL Files from Single Shell Script file


Please help me out.
I have around 700 sql files to execute in a defined order, how can i do it from shell script

can you give examples of the file names and how they are to be ordered


I am trying to create database objects through the files.

The file names are simillar to the names of the objects they are creating.i want that if the object has been created successfully i get a success in my log file, and if any error then the error in the log file along with the file names

for views i have file with extension .VW, for Procedure .PRC and so on
i want files to be executed in the order

  1. .VW
  2. .FNC
  3. .PRC
  4. .SQL
  5. .SQH
  6. .SQB

Please help

This is how I executed multiple sql files in a folder that had 100 sql files in it:
for filename in *.sql
echo "Executing file $filename..."
sqlplus -s ods/passwd@dODS <<EOF
