Executing mpirun commands

Basically, I would like to run an mpirun query on my web server to query your databases via yours when using the BLAST program, however the server seems not able to execute even basic mpirun programs such as cpi (to calculate pi). Are there any settings I should take note of?

I am running Perl CGI scripts via the Apache v1.3.28 server in a Unix environment, is there settings that should be taken care of when running command line in this particular case for mpirun (the script alias has already been set up - ScriptAliasMatch .../cgi-bin/... /usr/users/$1/public_html/cgi-bin/$2) :

The line in Perl script is :
`/usr/local/apps/mpich/bin/mpirun -machinefile /usr/users/utess/machines.ALPHA -np 2 /usr/local/apps/mpich/examples/cpi -o /usr/local/d.txt 2> /usr/local/err.txt`;

The relevant error is :
/usr/local/apps/mpich/bin/mpirun: pwd: read error in ..
/usr/local/apps/mpich/bin/mpirun: test: argument expected

Is there anything that should be taken care of when running scripts of this nature? Even when "nobody" user account has been set to a writable directory such that I could execute the command in "nobody"'s account I still could not execute the command via Perl script.

Is it a problem with the server configuration since "nobody"'s account can execute the command?

I really would appreciate any help.