executing encrypted files


Is there a way of executing encrypted files? I have encrpyted files using vi and crypt, but when I execute the encrypted file, it takes the contents literally (special characters, junk - encrpyted format).

Kind Regards,

There may be. Try the Icon Programming language at www.cs.arizona.edu/icon (Icon is C meets Perl meets ProLog meets Beta).
The reason I think it would work with Icon is that you can modify the way the program is loaded.
With a pure binary this might get rather involved, since the first part of the program would have to consist of a key prompter, a loader and dectrypter, and the application.

It is an interesting project, but you might want to be quit proficient before attempting it.

Also, what do you want to achieve?
For copy protection there already exists loads of libraries ... but for putting something together quickly and running it, I don't know.
For a shell script, you just feed the script to decrypt before executing ...


Try to use gzexe (compress/uncompress and run) and perhaps u will find a similar idea for crypt. Gzexe is a part of GNU Zip;)

Thats great, I will give it a go.

Thanks agian.

Kind Regards,

What system are you using?
I may have told you darn lies and hogwash.
If it is FreeBSD, there is a compile option that lets you run gzipped executables - I just saw it!
If you run FreeBSD 386 (or maybe other BSDs?) check out


and look for it.
