Execute shell script even if the first script fails


I executing a perl script and shell script from a master shell script. i will execute the perl script first and have to execute the shell script after the completion of perl execution. Below is the code i use for it,

/usr/bin/perl -S $script_root/test.pl; $script_root/test.sh

This is working fine. But if add redirect to log for the perl script, i get the below error

syntax error near unexpected token `;'

But if add redirect to log for the perl script, i get the below error

post the code of redirection

Please find it here,

/usr/bin/perl -S $script_root/test.pl >> log/perl_srt.log_$(date +\%F) 2>&1 &; $script_root/test.sh

you are executing the perl script in background.

you can do like this..

/usr/bin/perl -S $script_root/test.pl >> log/perl_srt.log_$(date +%F) 2>&1

Thank you. Will it execute test.sh even if test.pl fails and returns exit 1.

$ cat f.sh
echo "Shell Script"
exit 1
$ cat f.pl
print "PERL Script";
exit 1;
$ cat g.sh
bash f.sh
perl f.pl
echo "Complete"
$ bash g.sh
Shell Script
PERL ScriptComplete
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