Execute immediate in perl script

hi All,

i have to modify a shell script written in Perl. i have to use execute immediate within this. i have to create a temporary table but it should have name like ar_data_$mmyyyy , how can i achieve this?

any help on this would be highly appriciated.

Post your code...

its a large script, do you want me to post entire script here?

Can you post that portion of the script..

here is the portion of code where we are referencing a procedure through a package


        $dbname=$ENV{ORACLE_SID} || mail_abort("ar_portfolio.pl","Environment not setup! no SID");
    $dbh = DBI->connect( 'dbi:Oracle:' . $dbname,$user,$password)  ||
                mail_abort("ar_portfolio.pl","Database connection not made $DBI::errstr");

        $dbh->{PrintError} =0;
        $dbh->{RaiseError} =0;
        $dbh->{AutoCommit} =1;


        TrxLog::begin("AR Portfolio");

        print "60 green: $pct60_green_limit\n";
        print "60 yellow: $pct60_yellow_limit\n";
        print "120 green: $pct120_green_limit\n";
        print "120 yellow: $pct120_yellow_limit\n";

        $sth = $dbh->prepare("BEGIN ar_portfolio.insert_into_ar_new; END;")or mail_abort("ar_portfolio.pl", "cant prepare: $s

i didn't find the below one in the above code...


that's the table name which needs to be created through execute immediate, and name should be like that only ar_feed_$mmyyyy