Exec submit form in bash script

Hi All,
I'm new in forum.
Many congratulations to everyone for all work.

I'm not an expert in bash script

I've a problem with a sh file.
The sh file run every t minuts and it read data from txt file and then compile form.
Finally, the user, from the web browser click on send.
The script add user and password to portal.
So I need to run this script from cron.
For me the big problem is autoclick the submit form in bash script, without the user command.

Last row of program is :

echo "<tr><td>$L_INFO:</td><td colspan=\"8\">
<input type=text class=\"info\" name=\"INFO\" value=\"autoregister\"><br>�<br></td></tr>
<img src=\"$APACHE_BASEDIR/images/barra.png\" alt=\"barra\"><p>
<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"ADDUSERS\" value=\"ok\">
<p><input type=\"submit\" name=\"SAVE\" class=\"bottonelinea\" value=\"$L_SAVE\"></form>
<form method=\"POST\" action=\"addusersfile-herb.sh\">
<input type=\"submit\" name=\"DELETE_FILE\" class=\"bottonelineadue\" value=\"$L_DELETE_FILE\"></form>"


If someone need read all the sh program, I attach it.
Many thanks for help.

Regards. :frowning: