exe info


Is it possible to find all the information like its 'ProductName', 'ProductVersion, ''InternalName' , 'FileVersion' etc about a windows excutable file,( i.e. *.exe file ) on Unix/Linux.



i once saw a utililty "what" that extracts SCCS information, in files that have.

tell somehing more.

is the what utility is in unix?

Can we get the info from programming(C/C++)?

Most versions of UNIX have the ident utility. You can also try the what command on the executable image file.

If you want to create entries in C source so you can see them using what (running against a compiled file):

static char *idubpbilp_h=
     "@(#) $Header: ubpbilp.h in situ NO DATE jmc";

The @(#) thing is called a what string and allows what to see it.

but when I use the command to find info of windows executable (taken from my windows machine ) it gives no result.
$ ident ~/WINWORD.EXE
ident warning: no id keywords in ~/WINWORD.EXE

is any other way?


file filename.exe  # for a clean 'summary' 
man objdump  # for a more 'detailed' info 

thanks andryk

objdump command gives a detailed information about exe.

Now what I want is ' to extract ( or make with combination of two or more fields ) a unigue id of that exe file' that can be used as an identifier between different exe file.

So can you guide me abt this...

thanks again.