Excluding patterns from a list

I have the following code that takes the command line arguments.
However I want to remove from the command line list the user options.

For example, removing

--quiet --shift=3 sort=4/5/6

I have written the following code to take care of this situation.

set strLst = `echo $argv[$firstArg-$lastArg] | tr ' ' '\n' \
  | grep -ivE '[-]-((quiet)|(check)|(shift=[0-9]+)|(sort|group)=[0-9]+/[0-9]+(/[0-9]+)*)$' | tr '\n' ' '`

As I include more options, the command is getting longer and I want a way to simplify this, so that I can write the options I want excluded separately. In addition, I want to disregard if options are a combination of upper or lower case.

To try to do this I have tried the following. I try to include the exclusion pattern
one at a time, building the command. However this is not working very well due to unix expansion mechanism. I think I have tackled the upper and lower case combination, by using grep -i.

set excludeStr = "[-]-(quiet)"
set excludeStr = "${excludeStr}|(check)"
set excludeStr = "${excludeStr}|(shift=[0-9]+)"
set excludeStr = "${excludeStr}|((sort|group)=[0-9]+/[0-9]+(/[0-9]+)*)$)"

set strLst = `echo $argv[$firstArg-$lastArg] | tr ' ' '\n' \
  | grep -ivE '$excludeStr' | tr '\n' ' '`

Did you consider using getopts ?

I think kristinu is wrestling with (t)csh, no?

I did it like this.

set strLst = `echo $argv[$firstArg-$lastArg] | tr ' ' '\n'  \
  | grep -ivE --   '(--check|--check-colpos)'  \
  | grep -ivE --   '(--sort|--sort-fields)'    \
  | grep -ivE --   '(--group|--group-table)'   \
  | grep -ivE --   '(--shift|--shift-table)'   \
  | grep -ivE --   '(-v|--vrb-level)'  \
  | grep -ivE --   '(-q|--quiet)'      \
  | grep -ivE --   '(-u|--usage)'      \
  | grep -ivE --   '(-e|--examples)'   \
  | grep -ivE --   '(-h|--help)'       \
  | grep -ivE --   '( (--shift=[0-9]+) | (--shift-table=[0-9]+) )'  \
  | grep -ivE --   '--((sort|group)=[0-9]+/[0-9]+(/[0-9]+)*)$' | tr '\n' ' '`

I would need a bit of assistance in using getopts. I had considered it long time ago but not been very good of using it in a way I want.

---------- Post updated at 08:33 AM ---------- Previous update was at 08:30 AM ----------

Ok, in my code I have he following. How would you tackle the procedure using getopts using ksh. My plan is to convert my scripts to ksh eventually.

# --Read Command Line Arguments---------------------------------------------------------------------

# Set echo to recognize both the -n flag and backslashed escape sequences
set echo_style = "both"

# Perform numeric calculations using bc.
alias MATH 'set \!:1 = `echo "\!:3-$" | bc -l`'

# --Read Command Line Arguments---------------------------------------------------------------------

set ierr = 0
set iarg = 0
set opt_chkColPos = 0
set opt_sortFlds = 0
set opt_groupTbl = 0
set opt_shiftTbl = 0
set opt_verbose = 0
set opt_quiet = 0
set opt_usage = 0
set opt_examples = 0
set opt_help = 0

set vrb_usrInputFlag = 0
set Def_vrbLevel = 1
set Def_shiftLen = 3

set arg_fullNamesLst = ""
set narg = $#argv
while ($iarg < $narg)

  MATH iarg = $iarg + 1
  set arg = $argv[$iarg]
  set usrInputFlag = `echo $arg | awk '/=/ {print 1}; ! /=/ {print 0}'`
  set opt = `echo $arg | awk 'BEGIN {FS="="} {print $1}' | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]'`
  set par = `echo $arg | awk 'BEGIN {FS="="} {print $2}'`

  switch ($opt)

    # -- Optional Arguments ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    case "--CHECK":                         # Separates numbers from characters.
    case "--CHECK-COLPOS":
      set opt_chkColPos = 1

    case "--SORT":
    case "--SORT-FIELDS":
      set arg_sortPtn = $par
      set opt_sortFlds = 1

    case "--GROUP":
    case "--GROUP-TABLE":
      set arg_groupPtn = $par
      set opt_groupTbl = 1

    case "--SHIFT":
    case "--SHIFT-TABLE":
      set arg_shiftLen = $par
      set opt_shiftTbl = 1

    case "-V":
    case "--VRB-LEVEL":
      set arg_vrbLevel = $par
      set opt_verbose = 1
      set vrb_usrInputFlag = $usrInputFlag

    case "-Q":
    case "--QUIET":
      set opt_quiet = 1

    case "-U":
    case "--USAGE":
      set opt_usage = 1

    case "-E":
    case "--EXAMPLES":
      set opt_examples = 1

    case "-H":
    case "--HELP":
      set opt_help = 1

      set arg_fullNamesLst = "$arg_fullNamesLst $arg"


end   # while