exceptions in import


I want to import an Oracle database file on my fresh DB, bought before successfully with exp command.
But is it possible to import some tables from the dmp file, because they are too large and it's so long !?
I didn't find any option in imp command to make exception on certain tables...

Thanks for your replies

Unfortunately, you cannot perform a FULL database import with the exception of some tables. To partially solve your problem, you can import one schema at a time, specifying the import parameter "OWNER" and leaving aside the schema which comprises the large tables (assuming these tables are located only in one certain schema). Notice that you must first create all the empty schemas before importing the users one by one.
Then, you have to manually import all the remaining tables of the last user excluding the large tables. Or, more precisely, you have to import all the tables except the large tables, using the option "TABLES=...". You may need to use a parfile if the table listing is very long!

Keep in mind that in this way you lose all the cross-schema's references (grants) and all the public objects, so at the end you may perform a full database import of the database definitions only (ROWS=N IGNORE=Y).

The other idea is to create only the schema which owns the large tables in your barely new db, then manually create these large tables specifying very small storage parameters (initial, next, maxextents=1). Finally, you can try to perform a full database import with the option IGNORE=Y. In this manner, the import of the large tables will fail but the database import will continue until the end.

The last and better method is to use Oracle Data Pump (expdp/impdp) instead of the normal export/import method. In this way you have the possibility to obtain a fine-grained import of your dump file, excluding only the objects you don't need. Of course, this implies you are using Oracle 10g :slight_smile:
