Excel sheet modification using perl module

Hi ,
can any one tell me,"How to extract the same format from existing excel file to new excel file " using Spreadsheet::WriteExcel or Spreadsheet::ParseExcel module ???


Below program is used to read existing excel file..In this program "my $cell        = $_[4];" line is used to extract the data from existing excel file..program have to extracting data along with its own format.....Is there any methods available for that?_________________________________________________________

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

    use strict;
    use Spreadsheet::ParseExcel;

    my $parser = Spreadsheet::ParseExcel->new(
        CellHandler => \&cell_handler,
        NotSetCell  => 1

    my $workbook = $parser->parse('file.xls');

    sub cell_handler {

        my $workbook    = $_[0];
        my $sheet_index = $_[1];
        my $row         = $_[2];
        my $col         = $_[3];
        my $cell        = $_[4];

        # Skip some worksheets and rows (inefficiently).
        return if $sheet_index >= 3;
        return if $row >= 10;

        # Do something with the formatted cell value
        print $cell->value(), "\n";

