Excel sheet modification using perl module

 Is there any possibility to move the content from one cell to another cell (Excel sheet) using perl module?

Spreadsheet::WriteExcel - search.cpan.org

Spreadsheet::TieExcel - search.cpan.org

I gothrough that page.but i didn't get idea! 

In the second link, you can see something like this..

take your time and read it fully

use Spreadsheet::TieExcel;

    tie $x, 'Spreadsheet::TieExcel::Scalar', 3, 2; # Tie cell at row 3, column 2

    $x = 'a';                           # assign value to cell

    print $x;                           # read value from cell

    $X = tied $x;
    $X << 1;                            # move pointer one cell to the left
                                        # $x is now tied to cell at row 3, column 2

    $x = 'b';                           # set cell
    print $x;                           # read cell

Also you can use this module also.

Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::SaveParser - search.cpan.org

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