ESC sequence on RHEL5

We have migrated one of servers from RH 2.1 to RHEL5 , some of the scripts on our machine use escape sequence to print output . Om RH 2.1 we were using echo

echo "\033[01;31m ERROR  \033[m" 

, which would give output ERROr in red . However the script does not work properly with RH5 and gives

\033[01;31m error \033[m

as output . I am not sure what escape sequence should i use

See man tput for how to output terminal control codes in a slightly more abstract manner. (The manual is obtuse, as such; you might want to search the web for a tutorial; but it helps to read the manual page to see what terminology to search for.)

I figured it out

echo   -e "\033[01;31m ERROR  \033[m"

tahnsk for the hint though!