Errors in C Code

For my programming class I need to write a program that reads a ground number and a power, calculates, and then prints the answer on screen.
for this program the teacher makes me use pointers and different sub programs for the input output and calculation.

my code is:

void input(int *, int *);
void To_Decimal(int *, int *, int *);
void Output(int,int,int);
/*Main program*/
int main()
char chAgain = 'y';
while(chAgain == 'y')
int nGround = 0, nPower = 0, nDecimal = 1;
/*goto subprogram input*/
/*check arguments*/
if(nGround < 10)
/*goto subprogram to decimal*/
/*goto subprogram output*/
printf("\nThe ground number you have entered is 10 or a higher number");
printf("\nDo you want to run the program again? [y/n]: ");
chAgain = getche();
return 0;
/*subprogram input*/
void input(int *pGround, int *pPower)
printf("\nEnter a ground number below 10: ");
/*read the ground number*/
printf("\nEnter a Power: ");
/*read the power*/
/*subprogram to decimal*/
void To_Decimal(int *pGround, int *pPower, int *pDecimal)
/*do the math*/
int i;
for (i = 0; i < *pPower; i++)
*pDecimal *= *pGround;
/*subprogram output*/
void Ouput(int nGround, int nPower, int nDecimal)
printf("\nThe outcome of the groundnumber: %d and the power: %d is %d",nGround,nPower,nDecimal);

I'm getting 2 errors when I try to compile.

error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "void __cdecl Output(int,int,int)" (?Output@@YAXHHH@Z) referenced in function _main
Error 5 error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals

can someone please help me to solve them.

school: Saxion High school
city: Enschede
Country: Netherlands
Name of Professor: Mr. Verbruggen
Course name: Programming 2

It's a simple typo: you declare and use void Output(int,int,int); , but defined is void Ouput(int nGround, int nPower, int nDecimal)

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looked over it for half an hour, and couldn't find it.
many thanks