Error while using tar


WHile decompressing the files, i get the error tar: directory checksum error. After decompressing when i check the size of file, it is less than the original file. Due to this error, there is loss of data. How can this error be removed?

Thanks in advance.

pls provide the disk usage output. what is the format of the file that you are compressing? whats the command you issued?
Capture and paste it.

There are 2 files in the zipped folder. One is binary file, while the other one is .pdf. binary file is setup file of an application.
The command that i gave was tar xvf folder.tar. Below is the exact replica

$ tar xvf SupplyChainVisibility_solaris_master_6.3.1RC1.tar
x setup.bin, 84324622 bytes, 164697 tape blocks
tar: directory checksum error

Your tar file might be truncated, corrupted or created by a uncompatible tar version. GNU tar sometimes create files that failed to be read by Solaris tar. Try gtar in that case.

I have tried using gtar...gtar is not present in my machine. Below message is displayed.
gtar: not found

gtar might be present but just not in your PATH. It is bundled with recent Solaris releases. Anyway, after reading again your first posting, I think your file is simply truncated. There is no way then to recover the missing data outside from that archive.

try downloading your tar file again and try. could be corruption

FYI, gtar is in /usr/sfw/bin/gtar on Solaris 10.