Error while upgrading firmware on X4500.

I get an error message when I try to upgrade the firmware. The error message is displayed below.

Image has no uboot. DO NOT RESET OR YOU WILL BRICK THE ILOM. Please retry with the correct image

I do not understand anything about this message. May I know what does it mean ? How can I get rid of it and update my firmware ?

Please help me with this. Its been long time since I planned to upgrade my system.

it looks like you're trying to install a wrong file. please list a little more about what and how you're updating your mashine...

I have X4500 with solaris 10 OS and software version 5.10. /etc/release information is given below.

Solaris 10 11/06 s10x_u3wos_10 X86
Copyright 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Use is subject to license terms.
Assembled 14 November 2006

My ILOM firmware version is 1.1.1. I want to update the firmware. I have chosen to update the firmware to Sun Fire X4500 Software 1.5.1. It showed the above error message while doing so. I tried to upgrade to Sun Fire X4500 Software 1.2 . Nothing worked. I had the same problem. I downloaded the patches from the following link

Sun Fire X4500 Server - Downloads

Moreover, I found the same error while searching in some forums. The link is given below.

Servers - General Discussion - Blade 6000 ILOM firmware upgrade not working

What should I do next ? Please help me.

Thank you so much.

is it possible to get remote access? something like this is not so easy to troubleshoot... there are so many possible error sources.

what is the exact file name you are using and how are you attempting to upgrade the ilom? cli or web gui ?

i've found the web gui to be the easiest way to make this happen. connect laptop to box and use SP ip such as https://<sp_ip>. after that its straight forward.

i can access the ilom and also the the X4500 remotely. There is no problem with that. I also setup TFTP server with the help of

A P P E N D I X C - Updating the Firmware

I checked if svcs /network/tftp/udp6 service has started and its fine.

Please let me know what all details you need and I will let you know.

Thank you.


I have tried ilom.X4500-1.1.8.ima and ilom.X4500- as well. But nothing worked. Actually I am accessing it using cli and from a remote computer with root privileges. I did not try serial connection to SP.

I will try to work on it. But if you can please let me know what might be the problem with cli.

Thank you