Error while trying to install from CPAN

Hi i was trying to install Text::CSV from cpan... it seemed to have downloaded everythign properly but was not able to run the make file...
do u have any idea as to why this happened??


If you install Text::CSV_XS v.0.70, it makes Text::CSV faster.

Checking if your kit is complete...
Looks good
Writing Makefile for Text::CSV
Can't exec "make": No such file or directory at /usr/lib/perl5/5.10/CPAN/Distrib line 2003.
  make -- NOT OK
Running make test
  Can't test without successful make
Running make install
  Make had returned bad status, install seems impossible
Failed during this command:
 MAKAMAKA/Text-CSV-1.16.tar.gz                : make NO

Are you sure you have the make utility installed? Can you post the output of

cpan[1]> o conf

I am currently using cygwin...
I think i installed all the perl modules... i must've left out the c stuff... thought it would come in by default....
it looks like i haven't installed the make utility.... How do i install it?
here's the output to

  o conf 
cpan[2]> o conf
$CPAN::Config options from '/home/administrator/.cpan/CPAN/':
    commit             [Commit changes to disk]
    defaults           [Reload defaults from disk]
    help               [Short help about 'o conf' usage]
    init               [Interactive setting of all options]

    applypatch         undef
    auto_commit        [1]
    build_cache        [100]
    build_dir          [/home/administrator/.cpan/build]
    build_dir_reuse    [0]
    build_requires_install_policy [ask/yes]
    bzip2              undef
    cache_metadata     [1]
    check_sigs         [0]
    colorize_debug     undef
    colorize_output    undef
    colorize_print     undef
    colorize_warn      undef
    commandnumber_in_prompt [1]
    commands_quote     undef
    connect_to_internet_ok [0]
    cpan_home          [/home/administrator/.cpan]
    curl               undef
    dontload_hash      undef
    dontload_list      undef
    ftp                undef
    ftp_passive        [1]
    ftp_proxy          []
    ftpstats_size      undef
    getcwd             [cwd]
    gpg                undef
    gzip               undef
    halt_on_failure    [0]
    histfile           undef
    histsize           undef
    http_proxy         []
    inactivity_timeout [0]
    index_expire       [1]
    inhibit_startup_message [0]
    keep_source_where  [/home/administrator/.cpan/sources]
    load_module_verbosity [v]
    lynx               undef
    make               undef
    make_arg           []
    make_install_arg   []
    make_install_make_command []
    makepl_arg         []
    mbuild_arg         []
    mbuild_install_arg []
    mbuild_install_build_command [./Build]
    mbuildpl_arg       []
    ncftp              undef
    ncftpget           undef
    no_proxy           []
    pager              [/usr/bin/less]
    password           undef
    patch              undef
    patches_dir        undef
    perl5lib_verbosity [v]
    prefer_installer   [MB]
    prefs_dir          [/home/administrator/.cpan/prefs]
    prerequisites_policy [ask]
    proxy_pass         undef
    proxy_user         undef
    randomize_urllist  undef
    scan_cache         [atstart]
    shell              undef
    show_unparsable_versions undef
    show_upload_date   [0]
    show_zero_versions undef
    tar                undef
    tar_verbosity      [v]
    term_is_latin      [1]
    term_ornaments     [1]
    test_report        undef
    trust_test_report_history [0]
    unzip              undef
        0 []
    use_sqlite         [0]
    username           undef
    wait_list          undef
    wget               undef
    yaml_load_code     [0]
    yaml_module        undef

Looks like you're missing several programs. Run the Cygwin installer, and install (at least) gcc-core, gcc-g++, make (all three are in the Devel-section, and gzip (Base) if they're not already installed.

Then run the CPAN shell an enter

o conf make /usr/bin/make
o conf gzip /usr/bin/gzip
o conf commit

hey it still doesn't seem to be working.. isn't there a way it'll pick this up automatically?
In the installation folder i see around 4 different folders as in 1 for every mirror i downloaded anything from

that apart what urls do u add as mirrors to you're urllist??

This error description is about as useful as telling your doctor "I have a hurt". Do you get any error messages, if so, which ones? What did you do prior to and after it not working.

Which installation folder? That of Cygwin or that of CPAN?

See above.

And on an unrelated note, please do not use "chat speak" and the like. From the Rules