Error while running Rsync

hi All,

i am getting some error while running Rsync, and unable to find error at Google even, could anyone help me here please.

---------- Post updated 08-31-13 at 07:47 AM ---------- Previous update was 08-30-13 at 04:35 PM ----------

above problem got resolved because it was not finding the particular username at destination. now i am getting some more issue while running Rsync. here is the snippet of error log:

here is the Rsync command in my script:

$RSYNC_COMMAND -prgtluE --delete -e /usr/bin/ssh --exclude=".ssh/" --exclude=".profile/" --exclude="rsync-3.0.9/" --exc
lude="q3q5489v/" --exclude="uswl45715/" --exclude="uswu48231/" --exclude="q3trcynk/" --exclude="uswl43732/" --rsync-path=$RSY

where RSYNC_COMMAND is the path of source server Rsync. please suggest what could be the cause of this errror.

means that $RSYNC_COMMAND must be present on the remote host!

yes it is on the server to .

$RSYNC_COMMAND, is the path of destination so now i corrected the path of rsync to the destination server path, but still i am getting the similar error with destination server address:

i have copied the same set of binaries to source as well as at destination.

Try running /uv1091/u342/home/vcrpapp/bin/rsync-3.0.9/bin/rsync on the destination machine,

I suspect it cannot be run, most likely permissions, missing library files or the 2 machines aren't code compatible.

i tried executing doing this and found below error message:

bash-3.2$ . /uv1091/u342/home/vcrpapp/bin/rsync-3.0.9/bin/rsync

bash: /uv1091/u342/home/vcrpapp/bin/rsync-3.0.9/bin/rsync: No such file or directory