Error while reading variable from a file in perl script

I have a file abc.ini and declared many variables in that file, one of the variable(DBname) value I am trying to read in my perl script but getting error.

File abc.ini content

# database name

my $ex_stat;
my $cmd_output;

$ex_stat = "\Qawk '/^DBname/{print substr(\$2,2)}' abc.ini\E";

$cmd_output = `$ex_stat`;

if ($cmd_output) {
    print "ERROR\n";
print "CMD OUT: $cmd_output\n";

sh: awk '/^DBname/{print substr($2,2)}' abc.ini: No such file or directory

When I execute the command listed in the script output i.e. awk '/^DBname/{print substr($2,2)}' abc.ini, it executes fine and gives the desired output but in the script it gives error.

I would like to know where is the error.

I think you don't need quote-meta here. If you are sure your fiile abc.ini does present, the quote-meta probably putting it as abc\.ini

Try without them

$ex_stat = "awk '/^DBname/{print substr(\$2,2)}' abc.ini";

thanks clx, it worked.