error while executing the script


I am executing the following script

nawk 'NR == 1 || substr($0,63,5) ~ /H... / && \
++ == 2 { fn && close(fn); fn = "part" ++c; _ = 1 }
{ print > fn }' sample.dat

When i execute as it is it is executing fine. but when i execute the whole script as a single line like below

nawk 'NR == 1 || substr($0,63,5) ~ /H... / && \++ == 2 { fn && close(fn); fn = "part" ++c; _ = 1 }{ print > fn }' sample.dat

I am getting the following error

Syntax Error The source line is 1.
The error context is
NR == 1 || substr($0,63,5) ~ /H... / && >>> \ <<< _++ == 2 { fn
awk: 0602-500 Quitting The source line is 1.

Please help me out


I think you want to eliminate the \ at the end of your first line.
That is signifying a line-continuation, but if all is on one line, no need to note the continuation.
Try without that one character.

Always read error messages. This one points directly to the error:

>>>  \ <<<