Error while executing disk space script in AIX

#!/bin/ksh for AIX

#SUBJECT="Disk Space Alert"
used=`df -k $mount | grep % | awk '{print $5}' | sed 's/%//g'`

#echo "Free Space available under \"$mount\" is `expr 100 - $used`%.\n">$message

if [ $used -ge $threshold ]; # at this point am getting error#
echo "Space Utilization on \"$mount\" has exceeded the threshhold of ${threshold}%.\n" | mail -s "Disk Space Alert"

#/bin/mail -s "$SUBJECT" "$EMAIL" < $message

*at if operator it gives "./[14]: 180533: unknown test operator" error

can any one help guys ,thanks in advance.

Without seeing a sample "df -k", I think that the problem is because the column headings include a "%" character. Suggest you have a custom "grep -v" early in the pipeline to get rid of the column headings line.

echo $used and see what is the value you are getting first.

Test should work indeed ok in AIX as well.

Also, check which ksh and use that if it's not /bin/ksh

In fact, please post a sample "df -k" of a filesystem.

On my non-AIX system I'd have to use "df -k -P" to get a line-across format where $5 was the percentage free space.

The problem is that you are not eliminating the heading printed by the df command.

Execution yields:

df -k /home | grep % | awk '{print $5}' | sed 's/%//g'


df -k /home | grep % | awk '{print $5}' | sed 's/%//g'


df -k /home | grep % | awk '{print $5}' | sed 's/%//g | tail -1'

and you should be fine.

On top of the header line being processed as mentioned by Blytsplyk, it looks like you want %Used which is field 4 and not field 5, which is Iused!

Filesystem 1024-blocks Free %Used Iused %Iused Mounted on

So I'm guessing the following might work better:

used=`df -k $mount | tail -1 | awk '{print $4}' | sed 's/%//g'`
Are you looking for something like this:

Filesystem                             Size (MB) Free (MB) %Used   %Iused  Mount
/proc                                  0         0         -       -       /proc
/                                      512       382       26      13      Root
/I                                     16384     7380      55      2       /dev/I_lv
/data                                  222208    99457     56      1       /dev/data_lv
/downloads                             49152     6064      88      4       /dev/download_lv
/home                                  8192      4695      43      7       /dev/hd1
/home/sybase                           2048      768       63      5       /dev/sybase_lv
/ms_temp                               4096      4064      1       1       /dev/ms_temp_lv
/nim_export                            65536     8133      88      4       /dev/nim_lv
/opt                                   2048      817       61      13      /dev/hd10opt
/tftpboot                              128       75        41      1       /dev/fslv00
/tmp                                   256       246       4       1       /dev/hd3
/usr                                   5120      2544      51      11      /dev/hd2
/var                                   1024      302       71      18      /dev/hd9var