Error Using an if Loop Within a While Loop

Hello All,
I am having a problem with an �if loop� within a �while loop� in my Korn Shell program. The basic concept of the program is that it searches for the existence of a series of load files in a load directory, and once it finds one of these files, it begins the following process:
� Creates a status configuration file in a specified directory.
� Performs a prompt less ssh of the file to a load status directory in another database.
� Initializing a Korn Shell program based on the name file to create a db2 table and to load that table with information contained in the file.
� Deletes the loaded file from the load directory
� Initializing a �ssh� to remove the previously transferred file from the load status directory in the other database.
This process is repeated until all of the designated files have been processed. In order to automate this process I used a �while loop�, a series of �if loops�, an �until loop�, and two arrays-one containing the name and location path for the for the files that are expected to be found in the load directory and one containing the name and location path of the Korn Shell programs that will create the required tables and that will load these files into these tables.
The issue that I am having is that I am receiving the following error as it relates to one of my �if loops�:
0403-057 Syntax error at line 166: `fi' is not expected.
From examining the code, it seems that the syntax is correct (a �fi� to close every �if loop�). Any help that you give me in solving this problem will be appreciated. The code is as follows:

  +130  #initializing counter
  +132  i=0
  +134  #looping through loadfile array
  +136  while [[ $tableloadcnt -le ${#loadfile
[*]} ]] ; do
  +137          if [[ -a ${loadfile} ]] ; then
  +138              echo "${loadfile}"
  +139              echo "$i"
  +140              echo "$tableloadcnt"
  +141              print "$(date) : $fcntcdm .del file waiting to be loaded on DDWTST0. "
  +142              echo "$(date): Creating the status cofiguration file to be transfered to $LOAD_STATUS_DIR on DDW0."
  +143              touch $STAT_CONFIGI_DIR_DDWTST0/$FTPINI_DDW0
  +144              RC=$?
  +145              if [[ $RC -ne 0 ]] ; then
  +146                 print "$(date) : An error occured during the rename processs: Error code $RC"
  +147                 exit $RC
  +148              else
  +149                 echo "$(date): $STAT_CONFIGI_DIR_DDWTST0/$FTPINI_DDW0 has been cretated. "
  +150                 echo "$(date "+%H:%M:%S") - Initializing promptless transfer of status configuration file to $FTPHOST_DDW0"
  +152                 echo "$(date "+%H:%M:%S") : $FTPINI_DDW0 has been tranferred to $LOAD_STATUS_DIR on $FTPHOST_DDW0"
  +153              fi
  +154              ${loadfile}
  +155               RC=$?
  +156                  if [[ $RC -ne 0 ]] ; then
  +157                     print "$(date) : An error occured during the execution of ${loadfile} : Error code $RC "
  +158                     exit $RC
  +159                  else
  +160                     print "$(date) : ${loadfile} has been successfully executed : Return Code $RC "
  +161                     ((tableloadcnt+=1)
  +162                     echo "$(date) : The number of tables created and load is : $tableloadcnt"
  +163                     rm -f ${loadfile}
  +164                     ssh $FTPHOST_DDW0 "rm -f $LOAD_STATUS_DIR/$FTPINI_DDW0"
  +165                  fi
  +166           else
  +167             until [[ -a ${loadfile} ]] ; do
  +168                  ((direcnt+=1))
  +169                   print "$(date) : the mount directory is empty : $direcnt loop count."
  +170                   sleep 10
  +171             done
  +172           fi
  +173  ((i+=1))
  +174  done

I think this might be the reason:

  +161                     ((tableloadcnt+=1))


Thank you for the quick response. You suggestion did eliminate the error that I was getting. However, now my program is not looping through the array. It is stuck [0] element of the array. For some reason, the increment of "i" before the end of my "while loop" is not being performed. Do you have any suggestions?


add an echo at the end and before the "done" and see whether the increment is happening or not

+173  ((i+=1))
echo $i
+174  done

Perhaps the loadfile is not present and the script gets stuck in this segment?

 +167             until [[ -a ${loadfile} ]] ; do
  +168                  ((direcnt+=1))
  +169                   print "$(date) : the mount directory is empty : $direcnt loop count."
  +170                   sleep 10
  +171             done

This wait loop will be run until the load file is present, but the load file will never get executed seeing as $i will immediately be incremented once present.

Also, you seem to be using two counters $i and $tableloadcnt. You might want to have a look at that. For instance tableloadcnt never gets initialized...