Error received

I have a program that i need to get done that gets the person's name and his grade then prints it in this order "name-grade-gradeletter" so i wrote this code:

while :; do
read -p "Enter the person's name: " name
read -p "Enter the grade of the person: " grade

case $grade in
[50-59]) echo "$name $grade F";;
[60-69]) echo "$name $grade C";;
[70-79]) echo "$name $grade B";;
[80-100]) echo "$name $grade A";;
*) echo "Wrong input"

echo "Goodbye"

So when you input the name and the grade, it just skips to the asterisk and outputs "Wrong input". Shouldn't it go through the values since the case is $grade and is using grade that is given by the person ?

Can someone tell me my mistake ?

P.S i tried changing the case to if command to see if it works but it shows me that no such file exists ?:

if [$grade >= 50||$grade < 60]; then
echo "$name $grade F"
elif [$grade >= 60||$grade < 70]; then
echo "$name $grade C"
elif [$grade >= 70||$grade < 80]; then
echo "$name $grade B"
elif [$grade >= 80||$grade <= 100]; then
echo "$name $grade A"
echo "Wrong input"

Hmmm - that request looks pretty much like homework.

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It is an exercise.

"Write a shell script program that will input a name and a mark between 0 and 100. The program then displays the name, the mark, and a letter grade for the mark, as per the following grade cut formula."

All am asking is a hint for my mistake.

Nonetheless, this is a question concerning a homework assignment and is not appropriate in this forum.

This thread is closed.

Continue any discussion on this topic in the thread Grades exercise.