Error received when I was trying to check state of boot record

This is a test/lab LPAR. Recently installed and updated the SP/TL. everything seems to be working fine. (ran all post install checks)

I checked the state of boot record, received the following error/failed message. Can you please explain what does this mean ?

[root@testlpar]/>ipl_varyon -i
[S 2980856 3932356 06/03/16-10:56:56:332 ipl_varyon.c 1313] ipl_varyon -i
[1 2980856 0:019 queryutl.c 306] lvm_readpvda: FAIL: LVM_NOTVGMEM
[1 2980856 0:019 querypv.c 152] lvm_querypv: FAIL: lvm_getpvda failed, rc=-130
[1 2980856 0:028 queryutl.c 306] lvm_readpvda: FAIL: LVM_NOTVGMEM
[1 2980856 0:029 querypv.c 152] lvm_querypv: FAIL: lvm_getpvda failed, rc=-130

PVNAME          BOOT DEVICE     PVID                    VOLUME GROUP ID
hdisk0          YES             00c23b356a05e2a20000000000000000        00c23b3500002c00
hdisk2          NO              00c23b35b933bfa90000000000000000        00c23b3500002c00
hdisk4          NO              00c23b35812d3efa0000000000000000        00c23b3500002c00
[E 2980856 0:030 ipl_varyon.c 1252] ipl_varyon: exited with rc=0
[root@testlpar]/>ipl_varyon -v
[S 2980858 3932356 06/03/16-10:53:00:320 ipl_varyon.c 1313] ipl_varyon -v
ipl_varyon enter_dbg value = 0x0
Starting device is ipldevice
Starting device's PVID: 00c23b356a05e2a20000000000000000
Root VGID: 00c23b3500002c0000000152e2ab2a50
        hdisk0 is in boot disk's VGDA
MKNOD_FAILURE line=962 path=/dev/rootvg
[E 2980858 0:021 ipl_varyon.c 1285] ipl_varyon: exited with rc=6

I've tried re-created the boot image using bosboot -ad /dev/hdisk0. But still the same.

thank you

I'm not an AIX expert but the IBM bible says the error means:

"The physical volume is not a member of a volume group" so I reckon that error is expected.

Ref: IBM Knowledge Center Error