error messages in Sun Fire V440


I am seeing error messages in V440 (OS = solaris 8). I have copied here :

The system does not reboot constantly and it is up for last 67 days. One more interesting thing I found, I see errors start appearing at 4:52AM last until 6am and again start at 16:52am on same day..

I searched on google and found that many people had similar issues with their v440s but I did not see a solution provided for this issue.

Unfortunately the system is out of sun warranty/support, so forums is the way to start..

If there is any other information required please let me know.

Thanks :b:

looks like memory errors... but the AFSR and AFAR output needs to be decrypted to be sure where the problem comes from...

Thanks again DukeNuke2, any ideas on how to decrypt...

and yes they look like memory errors, if I know what DIMM then I can at least take that out..

sun has tools to decrypt it...

it's memory errors...
look to me like it maybe in CPU cache.

cediag is the SUN tool that can decode the messages.


Thank you Robsonde, really appreciate your response. cediag, I could download from and install, let's see how it helps

Thanks again!

got cediag o/p