Error message while using awk

Hi Friends,
I am using the below code in my script:

elif [ $1 != 'Cindy' -a  `echo $Line | grep -ce 'Larry' -e 'Joe' -e 'Bryan' -e 'Lane'` -gt 0 ]
      NEW_LINE=`echo $Line | awk '{sub ($4, "2010\\\/04\\\/07"); printf "# %s %9s %18s\n", $2,$3,$4}'`
      sed $n" s/.*/$NEW_LINE/" kfile > tmp
      mv tmp kfile

Around 30 lines are replaced by this code correctly. But when it replaces 5th, 6th, 7th lines, it displaces error message as shown below:

awk: 0602-521 There is a regular expression error.
\(\) or () imbalance.
The input line number is 1.
The source line number is 1.
awk: 0602-521 There is a regular expression error.
\(\) or () imbalance.
The input line number is 1.
The source line number is 1.
awk: 0602-521 There is a regular expression error.
\(\) or () imbalance.
The input line number is 1.
The source line number is 1.

I am not sure why I receive these messages though the functionality is achived and the lines are replaced correctly in the file.

Any ideas to avoid this message will be of great help.


Can you post the sample data? including 5th,6th and 7th lines?

I found out the problem.

# usa4914     Joe         2010/02/17
# x3a4914     Joe         2010/02/17
# seh         Lane        2010/02/17
# IN01379     Larry       2010/02/17
# IN01379     Larry ( the same as FIW-LR AM)
# IN01379     Larry (the same as FIW-LR AM)

The format of original data in those lines were different. Hence the problem. Thanks.