Error Message while copying- Pls Help

Hi I have the following script for performing regression testing of two setups ...

if [ $# -eq 0 ] ; then
echo "Usage Check CfgFile"
cd $cfgdir
ll $cfgfile >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
if [ $? -eq 2 ] ; then
echo "CfgFile not found"
filetype=`cut -f1 -d"," ${cfgfile}`
filepattern=`cut -f2 -d"," ${cfgfile}`
lscript=`cut -f3 -d"," ${cfgfile}`
rscript=`cut -f4 -d"," ${cfgfile}`
filedir=`cut -f5 -d"," ${cfgfile}`
lindir=`cut -f6 -d"," ${cfgfile}`
rindir=`cut -f7 -d"," ${cfgfile}`
llog=`cut -f8 -d"," ${cfgfile}`
rlog=`cut -f9 -d"," ${cfgfile}`
loutdir=`cut -f10 -d"," ${cfgfile}`
routdir=`cut -f11 -d"," ${cfgfile}`
outpattern=`cut -f12 -d"," ${cfgfile}`
testdirloc=`cut -f13 -d"," ${cfgfile}`
testdirrem=`cut -f14 -d"," ${cfgfile}`
cd -
rcp $llog crpop@hppa3:$rlog
cd $filedir
ls -1 $filepattern > "$filetype".tmp
cd /prod/quic/bin
/prod/quic/bin/ /prod/quic/cfg/preproc_dms300.xml&
/prod/quic/bin/ /prod/quic/cfg/formatter_dms300.xml&
remsh hppa3 -l crpop "cd /prod/tools/ItaReg;$rscript"&
cd $filedir
cat $filetype.tmp | while read line
do #loop1
echo "Started processing $line"
cd $filedir
cp $line $lindir
#cp $line ${line%$filepattern}p${filepattern}
#rcp ${line%$filepattern}p${filepattern} crpop@hppa3:$rindir
#rm ${line%$filepattern}p${filepattern}
rcp $line crpop@hppa3:$rindir
#mv $line $line.done
cd $loutdir
while [ ${chk} -eq 0 ]
do #loop2
sleep 2
chk=`ls ${line%$filepattern}
$outpattern 2>&- | wc -l`
done #loop2 end
while [ ${chk} -eq 0 ]
do #loop3
sleep 2
chk=`remsh hppa3 -l crpop -n "cd $routdir;ls ${line%$filepattern}*$outpattern" 2>&-|wc -l`
done #loop3 end
echo "Finished processing $line"
cd $filedir
done #loop1 end
cd $loutdir
cp -p ${outpattern} $testdirloc
rcp -p crpop@hppa3:${routdir}/
${outpattern} $testdirrem
cd $testdirloc
#for file in ${outpattern}
# mv $file ${file%.lnp}
#uncompress .Z
cd ..
ls -1 $testdirloc/
${outpattern} > "$filetype".loc.tmp
cd $testdirrem
#for file in ${outpattern}
# mv $file ${file%.lnp}
#uncompress .Z
cd ..
ls -1 $testdirrem/
${outpattern} > "$filetype".rem.tmp

echo " Completed processing files"
diff $testdirloc $testdirrem | grep "diff" > "$filetype".diff
echo "DONE"
I have the script and input files in one machine hp961 . There are two seperate setups. One in hppa2 and another in hp961.

I have to proces files in both and compare them. ( well thats obvious)

I cannot place all my file sin the input together since the sequence in which they are processed shud be thesame. So i have used a loop to place the files in the respective inputs ( local and remote) one by one.

The problem I am facing is that when I place files and run the script I get the following error sometimes. But at other times the files are processed fine .

cp: cannot set the permission bits on product/dms300/preproc/input/67/U080823050069OCC: No such file or directory

Can someone please help me out.

Also I start numerous background processes in both machines (local and remote). I need all those processes to terminate once the script has finished running. Is there anyway?

I am blind now... :smiley: There are [ code ] and [ /code ] tags to help display code properly.

You should echo your variables and check if the paths etc. are correct, for example those two for your copy here:

cp $line $lindir

Also I recommend to use scp instead of rcp.

For the start of background processes from one machine, you could use ssh or rsh, better ssh :slight_smile:
Also for killing them at once, you might use ssh again and something like:

ps -ef| grep myscript| awk 'NR > 1 {print $2}' | xargs kill

Make sure you only get the processes you want, ie. leave the xargs out for a moment and check it.