Error in .pl

I change the directory to where the .vcf is, but it throws an error, Thank

echo -n "Enter ID  : "; read id
echo -n "What panel: "; read panel
perl -aF/\\t/ -lne 'BEGIN{%m=map{chomp;s/\cM|\cJ//g;$p=join("\t",(split/\t/)[4,5]);($p,$_)} <>;$m{"#CHROM\tINFO"}=$m{"Chr\tSegment Position"}};/SEGPOS=(\d+)/ || /\t(INFO)\t/ or next;$p=$F[0]."\t".$1;exists $m{$p} and print join("\t",$_,$m{$p})' $id_$panel_$OMR.txt < $id_$panel_$OMR_Filtered.vcf > $id_matched.vcf 
 perl ~/
Enter ID  : W40855
What panel: Marfan20
/home/cmccabe/ line 5: .vcf: No such file or directory

The original code:

 perl -aF/\\t/ -lne 'BEGIN{%m=map{chomp;s/\cM|\cJ//g;$p=join("\t",(split/\t/)[4,5]);($p,$_)} <>;$m{"#CHROM\tINFO"}=$m{"Chr\tSegment Position"}};/SEGPOS=(\d+)/ || /\t(INFO)\t/ or next;$p=$F[0]."\t".$1;exists $m{$p} and print join("\t",$_,$m{$p})' test_Marfan20_Output_Mutation_Report.txt < test_Marfan20_Output_Mutation_Report_Filtered.vcf > test_matched.vcf 

You need to tell the shell what a variable to be substituted is, since in this case it doesn't know were it stops being a variable.

This, for the shell means:


substitute variable $id_
substitute variable $panel_
substitute variable $OMR_Filtered
Since those variables do not exist it will accept null, leaving only .vcf , which does not exist.

This is the way you have to treat it:


Do the same for the other parameters.

1 Like

Your script is in fact a bash script (although it contains one perl command) and thus the script extension .pl is irritating.
You should rename it to
When you call your script like perl ~/script.<some-extension-here> you are overriding the actual interpreter program ( /bin/bash in this case) and this is the reason why the script is misbehaving, imho.

Can you try bash ~/ ?

The same error seems to happen. Thanks.

  bash ~/
Enter ID  : W40855
What panel: Marfan20
/home/cmccabe/ line 5: .vcf: No such file or directory 

I'm not entirely clear on your post Aia as I am still learning shell scripting. Thanks :).

Show the changes you made please, or we are left guessing.

The only change that was made is the file is called and is called by:

 bash ~/ 

The same code as in post 1 is being used with the same error resulting. Thank you :).

echo -n "Enter ID  : "; read id
echo -n "What panel: "; read panel
perl -aF/\\t/ -lne 'BEGIN{%m=map{chomp;s/\cM|\cJ//g;$p=join("\t",(split/\t/)[4,5]);($p,$_)} <>;$m{"#CHROM\tINFO"}=$m{"Chr\tSegment Position"}};/SEGPOS=(\d+)/ || /\t(INFO)\t/ or next;$p=$F[0]."\t".$1;exists $m{$p} and print join("\t",$_,$m{$p})' $id_$panel_$OMR.txt < $id_$panel_$OMR_Filtered.vcf > $id_matched.vcf 

Add the following `{' and `}' in red.

perl -aF/\\t/ -lne '

BEGIN{ %m = map{
                $p = join ("\t",(split/\t/)[4,5]);
               } <>;
       $m{ "#CHROM\tINFO" } = $m{ "Chr\tSegment Position" }

/SEGPOS = (\d+)/ || /\t(INFO)\t/ or next;
$p = $F[0]."\t".$1;
exists $m{$p} and print join ( "\t",$_,$m{$p} )'
${id}_${panel}_${OMR}.txt < ${id}_${panel}_${OMR}_Filtered.vcf > ${id}_matched.vcf


echo -n "Enter ID  : "; read id
echo -n "What panel: "; read panel
perl -aF/\\t/ -lne '
    BEGIN{ %m = map{ chomp;
               $p = join ("\t",(split/\t/)[4,5]);
               ($p,$_) } <>;
          $m{ "#CHROM\tINFO" } = $m{ "Chr\tSegment Position" } };
    /SEGPOS = (\d+)/ || /\t(INFO)\t/ or next;
    $p = $F[0]."\t".$1;
    exists $m{$p} and print join ( "\t",$_,$m{$p} )
${id_}${panel}_${OMR}.txt < ${id}_${panel}_${OMR}_Filtered.vcf > ${id}_matched.vcf 
bash ~/
Enter ID : W40855
What panel: Marfan20
/home/cmccabe/ line 5: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `''
/home/cmccabe/ line 16: syntax error: unexpected end of file


echo -n "Enter ID  : "; read id
echo -n "What panel: "; read panel
perl -aF/\\t/ -lne '
    BEGIN{ %m = map{ chomp;
               $p = join ("\t",(split/\t/)[4,5]);
               ($p,$_) } <>;
          $m{ "#CHROM\tINFO" } = $m{ "Chr\tSegment Position" } };
    /SEGPOS = (\d+)/ || /\t(INFO)\t/ or next;
    $p = $F[0]."\t".$1;
    exists $m{$p} and print join ( "\t",$_,$m{$p} )
${id_}${panel}_${OMR}.txt < ${id}_${panel}_${OMR}_Filtered.vcf > ${id}_matched.vcf 
perl ~/
Enter ID : W40855
What panel: Marfan20
/home/cmccabe/ line 5: syntax error near unexpected token `('
/home/cmccabe/ line 5: `perl -aF/\\t/ -lne 'BEGIN{%m=map{chomp;s/\cM|\cJ//g;$p=join("\t",(split/\t/)[4,5]);($p,$_)} <>;$m{"#CHROM\tINFO"}=$m{"Chr\tSegment Position"}};/SEGPOS=(\d+)/ || /\t(INFO)\t/ or next;$p=$F[0]."\t".$1;exists $m{$p} and print join("\t",$_,$m{$p})' $id_$panel_$OMR.txt < $id_$panel_$OMR_Filtered.vcf > $id_matched.vcfnd print join ( "\t",$_,$m{$p} )' 

Thanks :).

Is ${id_} really what you wanted?


change the first ${id_} to ${id}_

Also there's a closing (') missing. That was my fault. When trying to add the colors I must have removed it.

exists $m{$p} and print join ( "\t",$_,$m{$p} )'

echo -n "Enter ID  : "; read id
echo -n "What panel: "; read panel
perl -aF/\\t/ -lne '
    BEGIN{ %m = map{ chomp;
               $p = join ("\t",(split/\t/)[4,5]);
               ($p,$_) } <>;
          $m{ "#CHROM\tINFO" } = $m{ "Chr\tSegment Position" } };
    /SEGPOS = (\d+)/ || /\t(INFO)\t/ or next;
    $p = $F[0]."\t".$1;
    exists $m{$p} and print join ( "\t",$_,$m{$p} )
${id}_${panel}_${OMR}.txt < ${id}_${panel}_${OMR}_Filtered.vcf > ${id}_matched.vcf 
bash ~/
Enter ID : W40855
What panel: Marfan20
/home/cmccabe/ line 5: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `''
/home/cmccabe/ line 16: syntax error: unexpected end of file


You're still missing the (') that I added to my previous post.

Here, copy and paste this part:

perl -aF/\\t/ -lne '

BEGIN{ %m = map{
                $p = join ("\t",(split/\t/)[4,5]);
               } <>;
       $m{ "#CHROM\tINFO" } = $m{ "Chr\tSegment Position" }

/SEGPOS = (\d+)/ || /\t(INFO)\t/ or next;
$p = $F[0]."\t".$1;
exists $m{$p} and print join ( "\t",$_,$m{$p} )'
${id}_${panel}_${OMR}.txt < ${id}_${panel}_${OMR}_Filtered.vcf > ${id}_matched.vcf
echo -n "Enter ID  : "; read id
echo -n "What panel: "; read panel
perl -aF/\\t/ -lne '
    BEGIN{ %m = map{ chomp;
               $p = join ("\t",(split/\t/)[4,5]);
               ($p,$_) } <>;
          $m{ "#CHROM\tINFO" } = $m{ "Chr\tSegment Position" } };
    /SEGPOS = (\d+)/ || /\t(INFO)\t/ or next;
    $p = $F[0]."\t".$1;
    exists $m{$p} and print join ( "\t",$_,$m{$p} )'
${id}_${panel}_${OMR}.txt < ${id}_${panel}_${OMR}_Filtered.vcf > ${id}_matched.vcf 

The command runs (, but before as a one-liner the same file took seconds, it seems now it takes much longer > 10 minutes.


Before it was working only with these files, right?

test_Marfan20_Output_Mutation_Report.txt test_Marfan20_Output_Mutation_Report_Filtered.vcf

Now, it is working with these files:


Are they the same file? How much difference in size are they, before and now?

The Perl code you presented has not been changed other than adding spaces to improve readability. Spaces do not affect performances at all.

test_Marfan20_Output_Mutation_Report.txt = 21kb

test_Marfan20_Output_Mutation_Report_Filtered.vcf = 66kb

I attached the two files in a zip as well.

perl -aF/\\t/ -lne 'BEGIN{%m=map{chomp;s/\cM|\cJ//g;$p=join("\t",(split/\t/)[4,5]);($p,$_)} <>;$m{"#CHROM\tINFO"}=$m{"Chr\tSegment Position"}};/SEGPOS=(\d+)/ || /\t(INFO)\t/ or next;$p=$F[0]."\t".$1;exists $m{$p} and print join("\t",$_,$m{$p})' test_Marfan20_Output_Mutation_Report.txt < test_Marfan20_Output_Mutation_Report_Filtered.vcf > test_matched.vcf 

the output test_matched.vcf is created in seconds.

bash ~/
Enter ID : test
What panel: Marfan20

no output file is created as the script

echo -n "Enter ID  : "; read id
echo -n "What panel: "; read panel
perl -aF/\\t/ -lne '
    BEGIN{ %m = map{ chomp;
               $p = join ("\t",(split/\t/)[4,5]);
               ($p,$_) } <>;
          $m{ "#CHROM\tINFO" } = $m{ "Chr\tSegment Position" } };
    /SEGPOS = (\d+)/ || /\t(INFO)\t/ or next;
    $p = $F[0]."\t".$1;
    exists $m{$p} and print join ( "\t",$_,$m{$p} )'
${id}_${panel}_${OMR}.txt < ${id}_${panel}_${OMR}_Filtered.vcf > ${id}_matched.vcf 


It seemed to work when I made it a one-liner. Thank you for all your help :).