Error in executing ksh from Windows

Hi All,

I wrote a script to send a mail if a particular logfile did not get updated since 5 mins. Here is the Script.

log=`date +%e_%b_%Y`.log # returns todays logfile
x=`date -r $log` # returns last modification time of the Log file
h1=`expr substr "$x" 12 2`
m1=`expr substr "$x" 15 2`
s1=`expr substr "$x" 18 2`
y=`date` # returns current timestamp
h2=`expr substr "$y" 12 2`
m2=`expr substr "$y" 15 2`
s2=`expr substr "$y" 18 2`
typeset -i sec hh mm ss
# to calculate the time difference
let sec=$(echo "$h2*3600+$m2*60+$s2-$h1*3600+$m1*60+$s1)"|bc)
if [ $sec -gt 300 ]; # send mail if the log is not updated since 5 mins
echo "Service has stopped.Restart" | mail -s "Restart Service" mailid

The Script got executed successfully in Unix.
The issue is I have to execute the Script from Windows but am getting errors.
Not able to use mail, bc, set commands.
Please help me out...
Thanks in advance!

You need to install something like Cygwin or MKS Tools.


The MKS Tool does not contain mail.exe.
Is there any other way for me to send a mail?


Try "smtpmail". See MKS Knowledge Base

I don't know what options there are for smtpmail, but it probably expects a hostname as the SMTP server that processes your mail.

I have now installed Cygwin. But I get Command not found error for Commands like date and mail... Is there any problem with the Installation???

Why didn't you try MKS' smtpmail command?

I have no idea how to do mail with cygwin. Though, it should have "date"