Error in calling store procedure using SQLPLUS in unix

I am facing the following error in calling the stored procedure from SQLPLUS in unix environment.

SQL> set serveroutput on
SQL> var store number;
SQL> exec test_proc(:store, 200);
BEGIN TEST_PROC(:store, 200); END;
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01858: a non-numeric character was found where a numeric was expected
ORA-06512: at "TEST_PROC", line 111
ORA-06512: at line 1

The definition of the stored procedure is :

procedure test_proc(
  store out number,
  key number)     
end test_proc;

Please tell me how should I pass a numeric value here in order to make this procedure run.


You should check that line (or provide the entire code).

there can be an error anywhere else in the code.... before line 111. if ur mising any brackets, paranthesis or some small syntax error u will have to check that very carefully.

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This is definitely more accurate :slight_smile:

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i am definately a noob in unix as compared to radoulov. but i like sarcasm ;p


I suppose I was not clear :slight_smile:

My statement was quite inaccurate.

As you correctly pointed out, the error could be anywhere before (and including) line 111.

Sorry for the confusion.

radoulov i understood what u said.. i was just kidding around. sorry about me kidding.
there is no sense of humor here :stuck_out_tongue:
[take it as a small joke] sorry again


I was not sure if my second post in this thread was clear enough :slight_smile:

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I was having problem in calling the stored procedure from SQLPLUS in unix but the same was running fine when it was called as a PL/SQL block in PL/SQL developer. The same procedure was called a numerous time in PL/SQL developer and every time it executed successfully.

But we figured out an alternate solution. now we shall be using a java batch to call the stored procedure as it is running fine from the java batch and this batch will be scheduled using cron.

Thanks for your reply.