Error alert keep showing at console

I would like to ask for your help. I tried to log in through console to my server HP-UX 10.20 but I keep receiving error message as below:

Vxfs: mesg 001: vx_nospace -/dev/vg02/lvol6 file system full

Vxfs: mesg 001: vx_nospace - /dev/vg02/lvol9 file system full

How should I stop this error message from coming to the console screen? It really distrubing me.

One more. Are these file system full error have any related to telnet problem? Because I cannot telnet at all to this server.

Thank you.

>Are these file system full error have any related to telnet problem? Because I cannot telnet at all to this server.
Only you can answer since we dont know what are the filesystems... (/home?, /var? /tmp?)
>How should I stop this error message from coming to the console screen? It really distrubing me.
Only one way: add extra space by extending those filesystems, and temporary solution while doing so is to stop the logger

To avoid seeing those messages on console modify ur /etc/syslog.conf file.
In /etc/syslog.conf the alert,crit level of messages are by default transferred to /dev/console. Instead replace /dev/console to /var/adm/syslog.log or else to some other file like /var/adm/syslog.alert.

Yeah and don't forget to restart the syslog daemon like /sbin/init.d/syslogd restart.

do a bdf and check for the file system percentage usage.
if lvol6 & lvol9 are 100% full,
Solution would be:

  1. To free up some same in those lvols
    #find /<filesystem> -type f -xdev -print | xargs -e ll | sort -rn -k5 | head -n 10
    The above command would show you the top 10 largest files, move or delete those files to free up the space

  2. Extend the lvols. - can be performed in the single user mode.
