Error after installing 2nd hard disk on Solaris 10?

I installed Solaris 10 on this Dell 5150 with only 1 SATA hard drive setup, all went well, and I could view the disk in the disk management window.

However, I setup a 2nd hard drive, identical to 1st drive. Solaris wont recognize it and gives an error when trying to view disks in disk management window?

How do you setup a 2nd hard disk for mirroring on Solaris? Are there some command line utilities that work when the disk management window will not?


did you run devfsadm ?

I tried the "devfsadm" command and it allowed me to see the 2nd disk in the Management Console, however when I click on a disk in the right window-pane I get an error saying "Warning: No Solaris Fdisk Partition", and it says click Continue and it will destroy any existing data on the disk?

My disk#0 has MSWindows and Solaris on it, I don't want to destroy all data on that disk!

My disk#1 is blank, and when I click "Continue" to create a Solaris Fdisk partition, it just hangs, and I can't view the disks anymore?

Thanks for the help,

you can use format command and select the new harddisk and use fdisk to create new partitions as you want.

login in command prompt

use iostat -en to see any hardware errors related to harddisk.

use format command select your 2nd harddisk, then select fdisk create a solaris partition..

then run newfs command to create a ufs filesystem...

then mount that partition in a folder then only you can access that harddisk....

the thread is over 2 years old... i'll close it down for now. if the op still needs help, please contact me via pm and i'll reopen this thread!