Erase AIX rootvg system disk

Hello all,
I need help for erasing IBM P5 machine running AIX 5.3.
I have 2 system disks (Hardware mirror) and i'm looking for a way like a LIVE CD bootable CD so I can boot with the cd and then format the system disks with a "secure erase" software.

Use AIX CD1 and boot to maintainence mode. Once you are here you can use diag to secure erase the disk.

Where do you go in the diag menus to securely erase the disk?

Task Selection
Format Media
Select disk, F7 to continue
Erase Disk
Enter to continue
YES to continue
Write patterns to drive
Take your pick, 3 random patterns should be fairly safe but use more if you want.

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If its military or other secure environments they usually want 7 patterns written.

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Good information. Now I just have to find my installation DVD.

You can also use the diagnostic CD if you have one, or you can download an ISO here:

How can you do this same format to fiber attached disks in a SAN?