equal command for gotoxy() in uinx


i am new user to this site.
i want to know about equal command for gotoxy() which is used in dos operating system and also equal hedder file for conio.h?
please give me responce to me if anybudy know about that.

I'm not familiar with the conio.h header file. However, I did a quick search on it. It seems to define a lot of screen-based functions. You may want to look into the curses library on UNIX systems (libcurses.a or libncurses.a). They provide similar functionality. Go to a search engine like "google.com" and do a search on "Curses Library Functions" or something similar to that.


i got on command which is equalent to gotoxy() is "tput cup" which is used command promt for that it can used in programs also as system("tput cup 10 20");i think there is some disadvantages in that so if any budy know about it's equalent can replay me.

tput can be used to reset terms, position cursor placement and other terminfo functions. Keep in mind that the forum that you posted to is for "C Programming", tput would be used in shell/CLI (command line interface) programming. If you are wanting to write a program that can run menus etc. on any terminal type, UNIX Curses is what you would use. A 'man curses' would give you more information. There are numerous examples on the web:

Such things as move(x,y) let's you move the cursor to the point of the screen you need to. It is important to remember to get the capabilities of your screen with such things as getmaxyx().

While at motorola, we used curses based programs with great success to minimize the technology on the production floor - much easier to replace a dumb terminal hanging off a term server than a pc or UNIX system.



what is "tput". what is the use of it. but in curses we have "move" but it is not working.

Hello, I've seen your question, you can use ncurses library to solve your problem. Maybe "mvprintw" function will help you, but do note that when you compile your project, please add "-lcurses" option to your compiler, that is :
g++ -lcurses my.cpp

By the way, you can also use newt library.