eof unexpected while looking[...]


I use opensuse build service to build packages (oh surprise !)
I have integrate a command in a spec whose worked and now this exit with:
unexpected EOF while looking for matching `"'


if [ ! -f mozilla/security/coreconf/Linux$(uname -r|sed -e 's/\-.*//'|grep -o "[0-9]\.[0-9]").mk ]; then
ln -s $(pwd)/mozilla/security/coreconf/Linux2.6.mk \
   $(pwd)/mozilla/security/coreconf/Linux$(uname -r|sed -e 's/\-.*//'|grep -o "[0-9]\.[0-9]").mk

I have never modify this it's malfunction without any reasons (for me)
Has anyone an idea ? Thanks for future


Please post what Operating System and version you are running and what Shell you are using. The $pwd makes me wonder if this is something weird like csh or tcsh ?
The error message posted does not match the script fragment posted.
Is this the complete script?
Has this script been edited on a Microsoft platform?

The script is a spec file for building nightingale. It's products rpm for an unique platform but 2 versions: opensuse 11.4 and 12.1. The first use kernel2.6.x and the second 3.x. This is complete error message:

And complete spec file
dl=1522362 on mozilla pastebin i can't post links
Thanks for reply :slight_smile:

Which is your shell? I am not getting any errors though in bash!

[ahaebrah@ahaebrah-fc01 tmp]$ bash -x run
++ uname -r
++ grep -o '[0-9]\.[0-9]'
++ sed -e 's/\-.*//'
+ '[' '!' -f mozilla/security/coreconf/Linux3.2.mk ']'
++ pwd
++ pwd
++ grep -o '[0-9]\.[0-9]'
++ sed -e 's/\-.*//'
++ uname -r
+ ln -s /tmp/mozilla/security/coreconf/Linux2.6.mk /tmp/mozilla/security/coreconf/Linux3.2.mk


Please post the output from this command which is designed to make control characters visible:
If your script is call say "scriptname":

sed -n l scriptname

You have reason: it's was not the problem. Security error will be solved in latest xulrunner6 snapshot. Thanks for your help


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