enviroment settings

What are the environment setting during a cron session?
I have HP-UX and I want to send the output/file from a script to several e-mail addresses. I want to create an env-var to store the e-mail addresses in my .profile, but I do not know if it will be visible when a script is executed in a cron.

In the crontab man page you can find which environment variables are set up automatically.

To make the variables available in the environment of your script you can define the variables in the crontab.

Another possibility is to source another script where you can define your variables.


there is one option in MAIL_TO in cron tab which can be set to any mail folder you want..

Right, but maybe it's not the intention to mail the output of other crontabs jobs to those users.


THX for the tips - gave me a solution.