env DISPLAY problem

I am working on Windows and from here accessing a Linux system using Putty.
Now, I like to run the firefox but it is opening on that Linux system. How to open it on my Windows system so I can see the browser. I am using bsh. The environment varaibale I am setting as
DISPLAY=localhost:0.0; export DISPLAY

But still unable to see that browser on my system(Windows).


Hi, there are a few things You must set up correctly.

1) You must have an X Window Server set up on Your Windows PC and have it running. I recommend Xming. Others may prefer using Cygwin/X.
2) You must enable X11 port forwarding in Your Putty (or other ssh) connection.

Once You have connected with putty, run any X program and it should display on Your Windows PC.

You do not need to set any environment variables because Putty will handle that for You when it makes the connection.

Best regards,