entstat: 0909-003 Unable to connect to device

Hello All, at our client VIOS Server there is shared ethernet adapter ent6,
when I run

lsattr -El ent6 

the output shows real adapter ent1

lsattr -El ent6

accounting    disabled Enable per-client accounting of network statistics                 True
ctl_chan      ent5     Control Channel adapter for SEA failover                           True
gvrp          yes      Enable GARP VLAN Registration Protocol (GVRP)                      True
ha_mode       auto     High Availability Mode                                             True
jumbo_frames  no       Enable Gigabit Ethernet Jumbo Frames                               True
large_receive no       Enable receive TCP segment aggregation                             True
largesend     0        Enable Hardware Transmit TCP Resegmentation                        True
netaddr       0        Address to ping                                                    True
pvid          30       PVID to use for the SEA device                                     True
pvid_adapter  ent4     Default virtual adapter to use for non-VLAN-tagged packets         True
qos_mode      disabled N/A                                                                True
real_adapter  ent1     Physical adapter associated with the SEA                           True
thread        1        Thread mode enabled (1) or disabled (0)                            True
virt_adapters ent4     List of virtual adapters associated with the SEA (comma separated) True

and when I issue command

entstat -d ent1

following error occures

entstat: 0909-003 Unable to connect to device ent1, errno = 19

but networking works well there is no ping problem etc.. I simply wonder why entestat says error.. and the lsattr -El en1 shows folowing

state         down Current Interface Status                   True

Well Dear friends I guess that when making SEA the Virtual and Physical network adapters status goes down therefore SEA adapter becomes active... So question is clear :slight_smile:

You probably have the adapter active on your other vio server and that is why it fails ?
At least your 'status down' would speak for this ?

On my primary SEA VIO Server I see:

$ entstat -all ent7 | grep Active
  Priority: 1  Active: True

and here what you do works for me, and on backup SEA VIO Server at the same time:

$ entstat -all ent7 | grep Active
  Priority: 2  Active: False

it fails for me too - so I would assume this is normal behaviour - an adapter that is down just doesnt provide the information. Does it work when you bring down your other vio server?


Here is my output

VIOS1 / #su - padmin
$ entstat -all ent6 | grep -i active
  Priority: 1  Active: True
VIOS2 / #su - padmin
$ entstat -all ent6 | grep -i activ
  Priority: 2  Active: False

So when one VIO goes offline the second one becames active... thats everything is correct but if you do

 lsattr -El ent7

u will see which interfaces are participating in the SEA ent7 and afterwards if u do lsattr -El ent# (I mean real adapter which participates in the SEA) u will see the following error: entstat: 0909-003 Unable to connect to device ent4, errno = 19 and as I understood thats is normal for the interfaces participating in SEA.. I hope my reply is clear :slight_smile: