Ensuring Member Benefits Beyond Certification

As executive director, I'm responsible for ensuring that the (ISC)� members are receiving value for their dollar and also that we continually strive to improve our programs and services to meed the needs of members worldwide.

I'm pleased with our efforts thus far, which resulted in the following member benefits launched this past year:

  • The digital quarterly Infosecurity Professional magazine focusing on professional development and career issues in the information security field, as well as news on the latest (ISC)� initiatives.
  • One-day (ISC)� Security Leadership Series events worldwide and half-day (ISC)� e-Symposium Online seminars offered for earning Continuing Professional Education (CPE) units
  • SecurityTALK Web Channel, a searchable multimedia library of Webcasts, podcasts, Power Point presentations and research documents courtesy of information security associations and the vendor community as well as archives of past (ISC)� eSymposia events, all to earn CPEs
  • Cyber Exchange, an online security awareness resource center launched in support of Cyber Security Awareness Month in October that saw more than 10,000 downloads of member-provided materials

During a time when corporations and governments are cutting back on conference and seminar attendance, these services become all the more valuable. Other member benefits previously in place include the annual Resource Guide for Today's Information Security Professional, providing information on the latest educational resources and worldwide events, and a Career Center for posting r�sum�s and search job listings. Our enhanced Website will soon feature social media outlets for online peer networking groups for knowledge exchanges that are critical in our fast-paced industry.

We have also continued with several successful ongoing outreach programs for the information security profession itself, including the annual Global Information Security Workforce Study, the only study of its kind to provide an in-depth profile of the information security profession to identify key trends impacting the workforce; the annual (ISC)� Information Security Scholarship program, which offers a total of up to US$100,000 to deserving recipients; and the HR Center, with materials such as the "Hiring Guide to the Information Security Profession" to assist HR professionals in better understanding the unique dynamics of our lively profession.

The judicious development of new certifications to serve market needs also continues with the recent announcement of the Certified Secure Software Lifecycle Professional (CSSLPcm), designed to help reduce security vulnerabilities throughout the software development lifecycle.

Yet while we have accomplished a lot, there is still much work to be done. With my recent trip to Asia, I discovered that we have had difficulty effectively communicating with members in their native language, be it through e-mail or by phone. In January, we plan to start addressing some of these issues by implementing people who can speak the native language in countries where we have significant membership. This will help us to more effectively reach the growing information security profession in new regions as well, such as Latin America.

I have also learned that we need to do a better job of communicating the continuing education requirements of our certifications so members know exactly what is expected of them to maintain their credential. This may require that more information on CPEs being included in our educational programs.

There are many other initiatives that need to be taken to ensure that we are exceeding member expectations when it comes to providing the most user-friendly and quality member services on a�global basis.

And of course feedback from our members is always welcomed and appreciated!
