Encrypt TEXT File


I need to encrypt the text file, Can anyone help me giving the code snippet.

Thanks in Advance.. Waiting for your reply


Which OS (Linux/Windows/Mac/Solaris/HP-UX/...)? Symmetric or Asymmetric encryption? Which Cipher (ROT13/XOR/AES/RSA/ElGamal/...)? What language? Did you use the search function of the site?

A hint can be found here

new Widget

See "Encrypt and Decrypt" section

Check whether you have "des"/"crypt" commands in your OS.

This I used to encrypt a file.

des -e f7 f7.out

===>f7 is the Input and the f7.out is the resultant.

This I used to decrypt a file.

des -d f7.out f7.dec

===>f7.out is the Input and the f7.dec is the resultant.

Note: f7 and f7.dec will be same.