Encountered a strange problem with doing a restore

Hi Unix Guru's,

I have encountered a strange problem with doing a restore on a local sunu machine.

We have 2 live system (v880, v450) and 1 test system v440.
All the machines are sun4u and using sun os 8.0

We have 2 backup device. One Bcakup device connected with v880 and another backup device connected
with test machine v440.

20 disks device are mounted with v880.
We are taking and restoring data using vxump and vxrestore for 15 mounted disk.
We are using ufxdump and ufsrestore for remaining 5 disk.

Every day We backup the data v880 and V450 and restore in v450 using Quantum DLT8000 tape drive device.
We backup data in v440 and restore in v880 and V450 using Quantum DLT8000 tape drive device. It was working fine until last week.

We have changed the New Backup Device Sun StorEdge LTO Tape Drives(LTO 2).

We can take the backup data v880, v450 and V440 Machine. But we cannot restore it.

We used the following command to take backup in Live system (v880, v450):

ufsdump 0cf remote_tape_host:/dev/rmt/0 /

We try to restore data in v440 machine using the following command.

ufsrestore ivf /dev/rmt/0

It gives the following error message:

Verify volume and initialize maps
Record size (512) is not a multiple of dump block size (1024).

We used the following command to take backup in Live system (v440):

ufsdump 0cf remote_tape_host:/dev/rmt/0 /mnt

We try to restore data in v880 machine using the following command.

ufsrestore ivf /dev/rmt/0

Verify volume and initialize maps
Media read error: Invalid argument

Kindly please help me to solve the above problem.

We can take backup and restore at same machine.
It is not possible take the backup data in Live system and restore it in test system

Thank you very Much.

Best Regards,