Encoded json

I try to understand how to create attachment in iMac , Terminal . How to find a PATH for a file . ?

@RADAK , Welcome. Your 'request' is vague, can you give more details - if you have code - enclose in backquotes ``` . Describe what your aim is not just a particular problem - that' may help us help you.


The problem is this passwordmanager Bitwarden - there are this command

bw create attachment - - file ./myfile.csv - - itemide 12b789.....

I want to move my credentials to Bitwarden cloud and I tried it from the finder and that was not accepted . The system accepts only this format (Bw) .json What this means my - - file ? this has to be over written of course - I think it may mean name of the file . And this can be done only from the Terminal .

bw create attachment --file./myfile.csv --itemid 12b789...

This the command text .

@RADAK , thanks for a bit more detail. Have you been to the bitwarden website ? https://bitwarden.com/help/cli/

there's a community link there where posting your issue may solved by the bitwarden community ....

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It may do ,yes that is a good idea . I think that first I need to learn the Terminal and then I may turn to that forum. But I do not find enough good material on the subject. Forexample Apple uses LINUX system ? Or UNIX system ? - så how to understand this ? What system Apple uses ? And apart from Bitwarden , how to create a simple folder or attachment in an iMac terminal ? Before I turn to Bitwarden community it is probably better to learn something about the Terminal .

I looked at Bitwarden - I see that indeed I put this question to them in september 2023 - but zero answer I got from them . So sadly I wrote the same question now - so I deleted the old one. As I see not that many are there to answer questions.Probably the problem is to small for them or something like that .

@RADAK , search online for 'how to use TERMINAL utility on macos' or similar, there are many example (youtube etc).

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What is the actual error you get , please copy/paste the command and all output produced


I changed the username and item ide a little bit but I got this answer .

star@stars-iMac ~ % /Users/star/bw create attachment --yahoo./yahoo_recovery_codes.txt --itemid f7d67d5e-cc1f-1fdc-a6c9-ad7b0189986c

error: unknown option '--yahoo./yahoo_recovery_codes.txt'

star@stars-iMac ~ % 

I do not understand what to type in --file

yahoo is not a file - or the name of a file they mean ?- then there will be a file extension and that is not good . There are 3 things I must know the file the name of the file and the files item id , simple but wery difficult . The bw create attachment command will automatically creade a json file .

bw create attachment --file./myfile.csv --itemid 16b15b89....

Haha Yes a wery good idea , actually I am a business man so I am not at all understand all this - but it is good to know a little bit. I realize that first it is best to learn the terminal - there most be thesse same possibilities in the terminal as in bw manuals , otherwise bw would not teach thesse principles if thesse possibilities was not already in a Mac terminal. I mean an ITEM ID defines the same concept in Bitwarden manuals as in Apples CLI . Wery confusing all this . But I will look at Youtube . Hiring a computer expert for this is some 300 € / hour so first I try this myself .

I have no idea about BitWarden, neither about using it via any of GUI/CLI interface, so I'm going to guess that:
--file ./myfile.csv tells it, which file you want to attach (learn about "absolute path" and "relative path" in Unix-like systems, Apple's macOS is based on Unix, btw).
--itemid 16b15b89... tells it, which GUID (entry?) you want to attach the file to