Enabling 64 bit

I am having some issues installing Oracle 10G Release 2 on my AIX 5.2L box.

Here is what i do:

1- Extract the 10gr2 64bit cpio file using cpio -icdmv < install_file.cpio

2- Once the file is extracted, i run the rootpre.sh file. I got no error message so far everything is fine

3- I run the runInstall.sh script and I have the error:

exec(): 0509-036 Cannot load program /oracle10G/Disk1/install/.oui because of the following error:
0509-032 Cannot run a 64bit program on a 32bit machine

I then checked my system configuration using bootinfo -y and the putput was 32

I tried to enable the 64bit mode using smit but its not working. What i found strange is that I have Oracle 8i and 9i both 64 bit versions installed on a similar machine, and it work just fine...

Any thoughts?

Will my machine run the 64-bit kernel?
The command will return "32" or "64" depending on the capability of the system.
So you have a 32 bit machine and Oracle 10 can only run on a 64 bit machine.
32bit machines can run some 64bit apps but Oracle 10 needs a 64bit machine / OS.
Time to upgrade the hardware.

Assuming you have the proper hardware...

How would I know if I am running a 32-bit kernel or 64-bit kernel?

To display if the kernel is 32-bit enabled or 64-bit enabled, type:

bootinfo -K

How do I know if I am running a uniprocessor kernel or a multiprocessor kernel?

/unix is a symbolic link to the booted kernel. To find out what kernel mode is running, enter ls -l /unix and see what file /unix it links to. The following are the three possible outputs from the ls -l /unix command and their corresponding kernels:

/unix -> /usr/lib/boot/unix_up # 32 bit uniprocessor kernel
/unix -> /usr/lib/boot/unix_mp # 32 bit multiprocessor kernel
/unix -> /usr/lib/boot/unix_64 # 64 bit multiprocessor kernel

AIX 5L Version 5.3 does not support a uniprocessor kernel.

How can I change from one kernel mode to another?

During the installation process, one of the kernels, appropriate for the AIX version and the hardware in operation, is enabled by default. Let us use the method from the previous question and assume the 32-bit kernel is enabled. Let us also assume that you want to boot it up in the 64-bit kernel mode. This can be done by executing the following commands in sequence:

ln -sf /usr/lib/boot/unix_64 /unix
ln -sf /usr/lib/boot/unix_64 /usr/lib/boot/unix

bosboot -ad /dev/hdiskxx
shutdown -r

The /dev/hdiskxx directory is where the boot logical volume /dev/hd5 is located. To find out what xx is in hdiskxx, run the following command:

lslv -m hd5

In AIX 5.2, the 32-bit kernel is installed by default. In AIX 5.3, the 64-bit kernel is installed on 64-bit hardware and the 32-bit kernel is installed on 32-bit hardware by default.

I tried that already. w/o success. It seems my hardware is 32-bit.

both bootinfo commands return 32.